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Automatic Gear Rack Straightening Machine (Mechanical Arm Loading)

DATE:2022-09-20   VISITS:367

Automatic Gear Rack Straightening Machine (Mechanical Arm Loading)


Bundles of bars/tubes/profiles or shafts are loaded onto an accumulation deck and then automatically fed to the straightening equipment. 

In the straightening process, the stock or component is rotated to measure the runout with sensors at multiple data points along its length.

This data is sent to the PLC where it is compared to the straightness specification to determine where it needs to be corrected.

The PLC determines the initial point needing correction and the servo press is indexed along the workpiece by a servo rail to the indicated location where it then bends the 

stock/part to specification. 

The piece is then rotated again to collect the data points and determine if there are other points that need attention. This process continues until all the data points are found 

to be within specification. From there, the workpiece may be moved out of the machine, automatically or by an operator, to the next process.

PRE:Automatic Large Round Bar Straightening Machine

NEXT:Automatic Twisting Straightening Machine

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Teng zhou shang da automation equipment co.,ltd

Mr Kong:+86 18863217097
Q Q:512941061
ADDRESS:Tengzhou Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, China
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